Friday, August 24, 2007

Colby is going into 8th. grade. He has eight classes and three are high school courses. He will be taking Spanish, Algebra 1, and IPC (science). I would not dare ask to take a picture of him with his teachers for fear of "THE LOOK". He wanted to spend the night with his friend so I made a deal with him that he would let me take this picture in return he got to spend the night with his friend. (Thanks Josh) Looking at this picture really makes me feel old. Ha! Ha!

Ashton is going into the fifth grade. I can not believe how old he is getting. He had one teacher last year and this year he has five. AHHHHH!!!! He is a little nervous about all the teachers and he keeps worrying that he wont remember where to go. I think once he gets the hang of it he will be ok.

Jayden is going into the second grade this year. What happened to my baby? He is very excited for school to start. His teacher Mrs. Mondragon is one of his friends mom so that makes it easier on him since he already knew her. She is a sweet and kind hearted lady so I think they will get along fine.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Above is the blog of a friend of mine Kristy and Frank. They are adopting a baby from China. Her name is Franceska. They will be posting updates on this blog about there journey to Franceka. I have added a web site on my blog for everyone to look at. It is called Help bring Franceska home from China. We are trying to raise money for Kristy and Frank to go to China to get their daughter. So please go check out that web site. We are selling chocolate bars from Worlds Finest Chocolate also. There is a variety of chocolate to choose from. Each bar costs $2.00. If you would like to purchase some or if you are interested in helping us sell please let me know. We appreciate your prayers and support to help complete Kristy and Franks family. Our goal is $3000.00 so please show your support.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Update on Martha

This is an update on Martha. I am sad to say that her test results came back that she has colon cancer. They will do surgery on Monday and remove that portion of her colon and 7 lymph no ids.
Then they will send that off and let them now what stage cancer she has. I am asking all to very specifically pray for stage 1 cancer. If it is stage 1 then she will be done. If not then she will have to go through chemo. PLEASE PRAY FOR MARTHA. Thank you for everyones love and prayers.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Yourself: comical
Your partner:loved by all
Your hair: brown
Your mother: sad
Your father: confused
Your favorite item: my wedding ring
Your dream last night: camping
Your favorite drink: coke
Your dream car: new suburban
Dream home: Victorian
The room you are in: dinning room
Your fear: lost friends
What you are great at: photography( I don't know about great)
Where you want to be in 10 years: in a new house
Who you hung out with last night: troy and the boys
You're not: mean
One of your wish list items: the pain to go away
The last thing you did: washed the car
You are wearing: L.V. bears shirt
Your favorite weather: warm
Your favorite book: Harry Potter
Last thing you ate: Chinese Candy
Your life: fulfilled
Your mood: pleasant
Your best friend: Misty Cottle
What are you thinking about right now: My friend Martha in the hospital
Your car: suburban
What are you doing at the moment: typing
Relationship status: married
What is on your t.v: the boys video game
When is the last time you laughed: 5 min. ago

Kristy tagged me so here it is.
This is my story in as few words as possible.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Please Pray for my friend Martha

This is a photo of the Kizer family. They are Allin, Martha, Garrett, & Allyson. The reason I put this on here is to ask all who read this to take a moment and pray for my friend Martha. She has been in the hospital since Friday and today is Sunday night and she is still there. She had been feeling week so Allin told her to go to the doctor so she did and they said they could not find anything but they took some blood and sent it off. On Friday they were moving into their new house when they got a call telling them to come in right away. They admitted her to the hospital because her blood level was very low. By Saturday night they had given her 6 pints of blood. The doctors did more tests on her and found a mass in her colon. They went in and it was so large they could not get the scope through so she will have to have that part of her colon removed. The doctors feel certain that it is not cancer but the results are still not in. She is very tired and has a lot on her mind right now. I am asking for everyone to please pray for my friend and her family.
Today is the day we took pictures of the boys collections. Ashton has a huge collection of Pokemon cards. He also has some games and books.
This is Colby's collection of trophies and photos from all the sports he has been in over the last five years.
Jayden received another ducky today from our friends Charlie & Gina. It was a SAWS duck from San Antonio Water System where Charlie works. We thought we would show everyone how much he likes ducks. These are just some of his collection. I can not wait to see what his next one will be and who it will be from.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Well here we are in August and our air compressor went out in our Suburban. I was driving on 1604 and all of a sudden the air conditioner started blowing hot air. Then there was a crazy noise ( foreign to a woman) and the car smelled horrible like burning chemicals. So we had to call a tow truck to pick up me and the boys. (mind you 4 people do not fit in a tow truck) so we waited for Troy on the side of the road. Now we are once again in the hole ya now the money hole. So please send all checks, credit cards, coupons, or food stamps to the carless people . HA! Ha! Well I think I will get my ride back on Tuesday. Nothing like being without wheels for five days. This is a picture of our suburban when it froze here. I am kinda embarrassed that this is the only picture I have of our car.

Kristy bought Jayden a new rubber ducky. Anybody who knows Jady knows he LOVES his duckies. I have never seen a tourist ducky before. Jayden was very excited. Thanks a bunch Kristy.

Oh by the way Kristy if you don't like this picture of yourself you need to get your eyes checked, because I think you look pretty dang good if I do say so myself.

Troy is texting on the swings at Fiesta Texas. Whats up with that. I'm not sure but I think Jayden has just seen an alien. (or Troy farted and Jayden is in a daze.)

We ran into some friends at Fiesta Texas. I think they might actually be family. Wierdos!!

Jayden is driving now so watch yourself on the road.